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Here Are the Most Important Cars of the 21st Century

A photo of a white Dodge Challenger Hellcat muscle car.

Photo: Stellantis

“We’re only a fifth of the way through the century and I’m unclear on the definitions of importance here.

“If we’re speaking of market influence: Tesla Model S or 3 should certainly be near the top as they’ve served as proof of concept that there is a market demand for EV’s and that governments will jump on board with assisting to develop support infrastructure.

“If we’re talking about recognition and just batshit crazy for the sake of being crazy: HellCat which has also spawned a flurry of obscene-horsepowered vehicles from other manufacturers.

“If we’re talking about successful rollout of new technologies – the Prius (specifically 2003+) is easily the most common hybrid on the planet and has often been the butt of many eco or granola stereotypes, but has shown that the technology works quite reliably.

“If we’re talking about the future? Whomever can build a cost-effective euro-style (think Sprinter, Transit, etc) delivery truck with electric powertrain.”

While we await the arrival of that glorious Euro-style electric van, we’ll just have to agree that the Hellcat is a great suggestion. It showed that supercar lev els of power aren’t reserved for those on a footballer’s salary.

Suggested by: Scott Pro (Facebook)