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Do This 3 Car Maintenance by Yourself and Save Your Money

Do This 3 Car Maintenance by Yourself and Save Your Money

Taking good care of your car is critical to maintaining its value; some people go to the garage, or mechanic shop regularly to make sure that their car is working properly.


Do This 3 Car Maintenance by Yourself and Save Your Money

However, you don’t have to take your car every now and then if you learned some simple maintenance and repairs to do by yourself.

And no need to get frustrated when you have tons of repairs because you can simply sell your car online in Dubai and buy a new one, but as long as you can do these minor repairs yourself, there is no need to do that.

Let’s find out what restorations you can handle by yourself.

Number One: Touching Up Paint

Car paint loses its quality and shines after time, it can also get scratched and chip away over time.

You don’t have to take your car to the garage for a touch-up and pay a lot of money for that, you can do it yourself as it’s a simple and easy task to do as long as you don’t ignore the vehicle till it becomes rusted or corrupted.

Buy a touch-up paint, paint applicator with a fine tip, wax, and a grease remover.

What you need to do is:

  • Use the grease remover and wax to clean the chipped areas
  • Wait until it dries completely
  • Dip the applicator into the paint
  • Dab it carefully onto the chip, (and make sure you don’t drip the paint around, you need to be attentive and accurate)
  • Finally, apply wax to the same spot after 30 days of applying the paint

Number Two: Use Vacuum Cleaner

Your car can become dirty really quickly if you don’t take good care of it, especially if you’re one of those who like eating in the car; nooks and crannies will be full of food debris and crumbs, and when ignoring that, dirt will accumulate.

The idea behind this hack is simple: run a vacuum cleaner through the car once every week. This way, you remove crumbs and dirt from inside your vehicle and clean any residue that may build up on windows, sunroof, or mirrors.

No need to leave your car till it becomes a true disaster when you can simply use the vacuum regularly to maintain it clean and clear.

Vacuum the seats, carpets, and every small corner here and there.

Number Three: Clean Headlights

You need to keep your headlights clean all the time for your safety, for they can give you better visibility at night; dirty headlights are a big problem because it will be harder for the light to pass the glass which means less visibility and more chance for risk.

There are many ways and hacks to clean your headlights, one is to use toothpaste to scrub all the yellowish and dirt off.

Or you can use soap and water, and dry them with a towel or a rag.

Another option you can consider is to use white vinegar and baking soda and rub this mixture onto the headlights using a brush or a microfiber cloth. Flush water after a few minutes and let them dry.


For selling a car in Dubai and getting a fair price, it needs to be in a good condition and shape, and because car maintenance does nothing but makes you pay more money, we listed these three simple tips and hacks that are easy, simple, and cost you nothing compared to when taking the car to a mechanic shop.

Auto body shop scams are common, and they can leave you feeling ripped off, as they may charge you thousands or even tens of thousands of dollars. However, there are a ton of things that can go wrong when fixing your car yourself; but let’s be honest and get things clear here, minor reparations won’t go wrong and they are a safe place for you to save big bucks.